Find us at 209 Main Street Saco, ME 04072 7 days a week
We are more than Icecream
The Saco Scoop is all about our community we love! It's a place to hear the latest news, get community announcements, and tips on where to go or what to do in Saco!
Whether you want to get an ice cream or shop for a friend, The Saco Scoop is the place to be. We have over 30 flavors of Shaker Pond ice cream, Saco-made Maine Needhams, bursting boba lemonades, lollipops, and more. Then, find your favorite new apparel from Saco Main Street and Thornton Academy, or a Maine Made gift to bring home with you.
The Saco Scoop began as a community ice cream shop in June 2018.

It's what's on the inside that counts
Saco House, 1837
Originally built as a hotel and stage coach terminal, the Saco House is one of the few early Greek Revival hotels to survive in the state. The old hostelry was consumed by fire on December 9, 1912, but the unique facade, with its giant Ionic pilasters spanning the top two floors and floating over the curved ends of the ground floor, was saved. All of the Saco House guests were awakened and led out safely. Horses in Chadborne's Stable (in the rear of the hotel) were also saved. Wooden buildings were leveled, but the walls of the brick Saco House stayed intact, though its interior was ruined. Later, Atkinson's Furniture bought the structure and saved most of the original exterior. It was home to Atkinson's Furniture for over 75 years before being converted to office and rental use.
Record Breaking Ice Cream Shop
On June 20th, 2021: The Saco Scoop beat the record for Maine's Longest Banana Split at 120 feet 3 inches!